Thursday, June 10, 2010


"What am I thankful for?" Usually, we ask ourselves this question come November, but, since being here in Mexico, I've found myself asking that question daily. On the broad scale, I'm thankful for all those who are in prayer over me. I'm thankful that the financial side of this project is always being taken care of, and I'm thankful that I have been able to smoothly become a part of the people down here.

But then, there are days when I'm a little more specific in my "thankful" response. For example, I'm thankful for the woman and wonderful mentor who is constantly emailing, Skyping, and calling to check in on how I'm doing. I'm thankful for the kids at the Gonzalez "blue" church who have accepted me and now see me as one of their own. I'm thankful for a family who will sacrifice personal time and money to have a strange American young woman live in their home for 2 years. I'm thankful for my parents who, despite rumors of violence and insecurity in Mexico, still brag on me and tell me how proud they are of the choices I've made with my life. I'm thankful for the friends and families who have sent me numerous checks, emails, and prayers for this mission project. I'm thankful for the dear friends who have made it down here to meet the people who are changing me, stretching me, and making me grow. I'm thankful for the good times, the bad times, and everything else in between... because they all make me understand that it's all in God's hands down here.

So, you see.... "What I'm thankful for" isn't just a Thanksgiving question to me anymore. It's a question I ask myself often to help me better remember how honored and blessed I am to be a part of this Mexico project. Even though there are days I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing -- I've never once gone to bed thinking, "I'm not making a difference here."

I have chosen to serve the Kingdom of God in Mexico. I have, and will continue to be, blessed because of the sacrifice I've made to leave behind my life, for the sake of the cross. I can only ask that in your lives, you would do the same. It doesn't mean we all leave the country -- you sometimes don't even have to leave your own home -- but it does mean this: Pick up your cross and follow Him... DAILY. "To him much is given, much will be demanded."

Be Strong in the Lord,

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,
    I love you so much and am so thankful for you as a friend. Despite my lack of emails and phone calls, you are consistently in my thoughts and prayers.


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Piedras Negras, Mexico