Thursday, February 11, 2010

Personal Thoughts

Every night I lie in bed thinking, "Man, there's just no other place I'd rather be." Yet every morning I wake up thinking, "I'm packing my bags and going home."

It's what's in between these two moments in my day that is important. It's the moment of random talks with Karina and Sarai. It's visiting Hermana Petra on a Sunday afternoon. It's playing and running around the house with Josue's girls instead of doing homework or financial reports. It's inviting over a couple youth kids to celebrate a birthday that nobody would usually care about celebrating. It's arriving to church 30 minutes early so you're can greet everyone who came. It's staying 30 minutes late after church hanging out in the parking lot while we chat about who-knows-what. It's having dirty, jellied hands as you pass out bread during the children's bible hour. It's listening and translating all day in order to be a part of the person's life. It's eating that 10th tamale because the Hermana put it on your place so you'd stay longer and talk with her. It's spending $30 of your extra money to accompany someone to their hometown. It's the smiles, the laughter, the good times, and even the personally sad ones... It's those moments that happen that make me lie down and think, "I'm never leaving."

So what happens to make me wake up to the other thought. The, "I don't even care; I'm going home." thought? Well, I don't know that answer. I don't know if I want to know, or if I even care to know. I guess that might have to be my life for the next year and a half. I'm going to continue to miss you. I'm going to continue to wake up every morning wishing I wasn't here. And, yet, what gives me hope... is that I go to bed with a full and content heart.

Be Strong in the Lord

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