Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Instead of reading this...

I challenge you to take the time you planned to read this blog, and say a prayer instead.

Mexico has finally reached a breaking point. The violence and drug related activity is at it's all-time high, and the best, and only, thing we can do is give it all up to the Lord. I am a full believer in the power of our King through the avenue of prayer, and so I recommend taking a moment today to pray for Mexico. For peace. For the violence to end. For God's blessings to reign upon this country. For safety to be upon all of us - friend or enemy.

***DO NOT BE WORRIED FOR ME.*** I have talked with my supervisor about all of this, and we have made some drastic changes in my schedule and also where I can or cannot go. It is hard adjusting to something so different, but I know for my own personal safety (and for the sanity of my mother) it is for the better.

I'm just asking for you to pray for Mexico. Remember that the Lord hears the prayers of the faithful, and that he works for the good of those who love Him. May we also pray that all those lost souls here in Mexico would find strength and reputation far more fulfilling in the Lord than in any gang or drug. THANKS FOR PRAYING!

Be Strong in the Lord,

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