I have been discouraged somewhat by the lack of financial support we have received. Don't get me wrong, I have been in awe that we have received what we have received, but every now and then I am reminded that times are tough, and that I am impatiently waiting on God to turn water into wine, or 5 loaves of bread into 12 baskets of leftovers.... metaphorically speaking. However, the Holy Spirit calms me down and reminds me that life is about learning to trust in God for our needs, and, with a "moving mountains" faith, the Lord will provide for Arturo and I. Whether it be from other congregations or family friends, or with new job opportunities for Arturo -- we, or maybe just I, need to be patient and wait for the Lord's timing on this one.
So as all of this has been processing on my mind and in my heart for the past few days, I am asking for some resources or maybe just some advice/guidance from other brothers/sisters who have been involved in church planting. If you or anyone you know may be of some help in this area, please send me their email via Facebook or email (losvargas2@gmail.com).
We are looking forward to this ministry and the harvest that this work will produce. Not a selfish anticipation, but, rather, an eternal one as we seek to bring others to know and love Christ just as we do.
Arturo & Rachel
creo firmemente que el poder de DIOS siempre se manifiesta en nuestras vidas, y no dudo ke por las bondades de su amor nos prospere en este camino, si hoy tube la misericordia de DIOS y me permitio abrir mis ojos, respirar y levantarme de mi cama, tambien se ke es con el unico proposito de ke alabe a DIOS y glorifique su santo nombre con mis actos.... comparto con ustedes Rachell y Arturo que nuestro Dios es fiel y cumple sus promesas, nosotros solo debemos confiar y esperar el momento exacto. confio que ke esos 5 pedazos de pan pronto se convertiran en mucho y suficiente para piedras negras y por que no al resto del estado si es posible o mas alla, no le temo al rechazo de la gente, confio al 100% ke DIOS produce el kerer como el hacer. Jesus invito a sus discipulos a dejar la playa y ke vieran su poder y señorio en la gran tormenta, ke al final nos conforta diciendo: "No temas YO SOY", ....dejemos la seguridad de la playa y salgamos al mar con el Maestro, ademas ke no vamos solos el poder del ESPIRITU SANTO nos guia y nos cuida......la verdad no tengo miedo aventarme sin paracaidas si CRISTO es el ke sostiene mi mano..
ReplyDeletesalgamos a trabajar, salgamos al campo a sembrar sin miedo al calor o al frio. se que nuestro Dios nos prosperara en esta nueva oportnidad. y ke todo se cumplira conforme al proposito eterno de DIOS nuestro SEÑOR.
Animo..!!!!! valor ..!!! y Confianza..!!!
Miriam R.