Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Web Name: Jail Bird Now Free

To all my dear friends and family,

I wanted to write this email to inform or clarify what happened with me recently here in Mexico.

On Monday afternoon (11/9/09) I was involved in a car accident. A woman in a Jetta hit my car in the drivers side, just behind the driver's door. At first glance, there didn't look like there was much damage done to the side of my car - mainly large dents in the bottom parts of the door, and a busted back tire. But the damage to the other car was massive. As far as physical injuries, I have some bruises on my knee, my rib area, and a bump on the left side of my head - NOTHING SERIOUS - just achy pains. The woman in the other car was carrying two young children with her, and I believe that they are all doing okay, as well.

After the police arrived, the trouble started. The other party in the accident took control of the situation and convinced the police that I was responsible for the accident. (There were no stop signs at either intersections, therefore, both parties were either at fault, or no party was at fault) Because the police put me as the responsible party, I was detained until the judge made a ruling (meaning, guilty until proven innocent), and was held in the city's prison until we could appear before the judge. After waiting and waiting (for what seemed like an eternity), Josue, my supervisor, finally came to visit. He had told me that he had been trying to resolve the issue, but that the other party was making it very difficult for me to appear before a judge. He informed me that the other party was a very well respected, and well-known family here in Piedras Negras and had a lot of connections in the law system here - therefore, it looked as if I was going to have to pay the $8,000.

Finally after another 12 hours of waiting, we finally started the process. I had found out that because I had decided to not take the responsibility for the accident, they had to send a special expert out to the scene to determine who was at fault. The judge ruled against me - stating that I was at fault for the accident. A Mexican representative from my car insurance company came to "help" me out, but I couldn't tell which side he was on. Josue would later tell me that the family had paid off my insurance agent from Mexico and the special expert to make sure that I was at fault. My insurance covered the cost of the damages of the other party, but not the damages to my car. My insurance agent told me that the damages to my car were probably around $4000-$5000. We haven't been able to see my car - and I'm not sure we will - but my supervisor assures me that everything should be taken care of in this area.
I want to specifically thank you for your prayers on my behalf. I don't know how I could have gotten through the last 48 hours without my church family. I was constantly being visited and encouraged by my brothers and sisters here in Piedras. I was put into a cell with three other women. I was able to share alot with them and I specifically shared with a guard. Only God knows and understands, but I felt that a seed was planted. I was watched carefully and even shown favor by allowing me to be in a room by myself for the rest of the night. There were brothers from the church here who never left the jail and would check on me constantly. Several of the sisters from the church brought me meals and a change of clothing, etc. Many took a day off work and that says alot since they don't get paid when they don't work.
I want everyone to know that I will continue my work here in Piedras Negras. I realize that this only adds to the horror stories about living on the border, but I know that God is in control and that Satan will continue to find ways to discourage me in this mission. I see this as a small bump in my journey and I am thankful that there will not be any deep, lasting scars from this bump.

As far as how I am doing emotionally -- If any of you have been in a car accident similar to this, you'll understand how tramatized I feel. On top of the accident, I spent about 34 hours being detained, which was a scary and horrible experience for me. I will not lie and will say that there were several breakdowns especially when it looked like I would spend another night in jail. I am thankful that that did not happen.
My parents came down yesterday after not hearing from me after the accident, and I am thankful that they have been here as emotional support for me. After talking with my supervisor and my parents, I have decided to return with my parents to Abilene for a week or so to re-focus and figure out the necessary steps to take care of my car situation.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Keep praying for my physical as well as emotional being. Also, being in jail is
expensive and even though I had lilbility insurance, I had to hire a lawyer, pay some fines and a ticket and now have to take my car out of pound as well as repairs. I have a small emergency fund, but since I have only been in PN a couple of months, there is not much of a balance. The main cost will be repairing my car ($4000-$5000). If you would like to help with that, you can send checks to...
Joe Almanza Ministries
ATTN: Rachel Almanza
3601 S. 20th Street
Abilene, Texas 79605
Of course, you donation will be tax deductable.
Thank you again for your prayers, love and encouragement. You guys are the best and I am so proud that I have a family I can always count on. There is not much to say except that I love you and I thank God daily for placing you in my life.


  1. Sooo glad you are safe. I am pleased you are taking time to recover and then return to the Lord's work. To God be the glory.

  2. Rach! Oh my gosh, what a crazy, traumatic experience! I am praying that you find peace and that it resolves as smoothly as possible!


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Piedras Negras, Mexico