Thursday, November 5, 2009

Precious Moment

I wish I had a picture for this post. But I wanted to share with you an encouraging story that I heard just the other day.

I have come to know many members at another Church of Christ in town that meets in Colonia San Juaquin. They are actually the church that I play volleyball against on Sunday nights! Anyway, they are a very dear and precious group of Body members and I have come to love some of them as my own family! The building where the congregation meets is right next door to Sarai's house, and one afternoon, as we were leaving for a youth event, we saw two small children sitting on the corner of the church building - just waiting. I had seen the two kids before at other church gatherings and had just assumed their parents were members of the Church. Sarai immediately starting talking to them as if she had known them all their lives. They were two kids of the church in San Juaquin - not even older than 7 or 8 years old - and they were waiting for church service TWO hours before it started. As we drove off, Sarai explained to me that these two kids - preschool and kindergarten aged children - came to church on their own, without their parents. I was immediately touched to the heart to see such faith and interest in God at such an early age. I was so overwhelmed that all I could think about was how I needed to pray for these two children. Asking God to continue to give both of them a strong faith and desire to serve Him. Maybe this isn't a touching story to you - but it is to me. That mental image of those two children sitting on the side of the road waiting for church to begin will never leave my memory. I wanted to share with you something that has truly changed me since I've been here. I can only pray that there are more children here in Mexico with this kind of faith and dedication to the Lord. I can only pray that God has a plan for these two kids - I don't even know their names, or even have a picture of them! But I do know that when I see them at church or walking on the side of the road to get to church - I'll be thanking God.


  1. Love this story! Thanks for sharing it with us all!

  2. That is a great story, thanks for sharing, it gave me goosebumps


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Piedras Negras, Mexico