Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back Home... in Mexico.

I took a week long trip to Monclova with Karina this past week. I actually didn't realize we were going to be gone for a whole week, but we kept adding one day after the other, and eventually came home Friday afternoon. I couldn't believe how much I missed being away from Piedras Negras. It's funny how Mexico is slowly starting to feel more like home. Karina had planned to take her nephew down there alone, but I decided to go with her to keep her company. It turned out to be a lot of fun because for the first time since I've been in Mexico I was able to be a tourist. I'm not going to write much about it since I haven't uploaded any photos to my computer and I'm scrambling to think of things to put in January's newsletter.

The weather changed today. We've been having wet and cold weather for the past few weeks and today we got to experience some Spring weather. They tell us down here that it was the beginning of an early Spring, so I'm getting pretty excited. I might even wear a skirt to church tomorrow!

Tomorrow we have an extended service. Instead of having two separate services (one at 10am and the other at 5pm) we'll have one LONG service starting at 10am and ending at 4pm. I hear we're starting this up to happen once a month, so I'm excited to see what's in store for tomorrow. I love being with the church family at Col. Gonzalez.

Until next time,

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