***I've been helping out all week at the construction site with the group from Kentucky. As different as they are from the groups that come from Oklahoma, it has been a joy to have some American faces around here! At first, though, they thought I was a native, asking me where I learned my English! Good to know I'm starting the "blending" process! haha!***
Since I've been shoveling all week, I've had a lot of time to think about how I'm going to live out my goals for this year. So I've made a list to post here. I am also going to present this list to Josue, my supervisor and get his input and approval on these things. Here it is:
- Young Girl's Bible Study: Sometimes at our youth group meeting, we split into boy's and girl's classes and we really love it. I think it would be so awesome to start a bi-weekly or monthly time for all of us young girls in Piedras Negras to come together. I got to talking to Karina about this yesterday, and she really loved the idea. Hopefully, I can convince Josue to let us use his house as our meeting place. I really see this idea panning out and being something very beneficial to all of us girls.
- Youth Summer Activities: I've already asked about mission trips, movie nights, park days, etc. Hopefully we can get some of these things planned already and hopefully invite more of the youth groups in this area.
- Children's ministry @ Gonzalez CoC: After spending this week working on the new church construction, I've come to realize that I will most likely not be here when the church is up and running. We don't know the Lord's plans, but my mind tells me that I will not be here. That being said, I am going to take the initiative to talk with our children's classes coordinator at the church in Gonz. about starting up the children's program. I've found a 12 week curriculum for the youngest kids, and am still looking for some materials for elementary and middle school aged children. I can translate as best I can, but the material in Spanish is so much easier to work with!
- English classes: Since I don't have any schooling in teaching English as a second language, I've decided to start practicing with a few people right now, and hopefully will get the feel for it by the end of the summer/Fall time. By that time, also, speaking in Spanish will be a lot easier for me. I've already given two classes in English and hope things just keep progressing!
- Evangelizing with Hmo. Diego: Diego is a native Mexico who came here 2 years ago as a "mission worker." I've asked if I could "tag along" with him in his weekly schedule, and he was excited to have me come along. It's still vacation season down here in Mexico, so he is back home with his family, but once he returns, I'll hopefully get to start this ministry up with him. Diego visits the shut-ins, has bible studies with those who've contacted the church, encourages our brothers and sisters in the church, and drives the elderly people to church at KM10. I am very excited to be a part of this ministry.
Quite a big list once I write it all out! The new year has brought about a sense of confidence in me that I have never had since being down here in Piedras. Continue to pray that I will find strength and hope in the Lord to be courageous in the work the Lord has for me down here. I miss all of you deeply, and continue to pray for a time when you can come down and visit!
Be Strong in the Lord,
Rachel! thanks for your comment on my blog! I'm so excited for you and all of your goals! I hope and pray that you continue to love what you are doing and are continually filled with passion! I'm jealous at how good your spanish is already! :) teach me?