Basically we've been having a non-stop party down here for the end of the year. Since a picture is worth a thousand words (and I'm a little tired from all this "partying"), I'll post some pictures for you to go through.
Literally my first meal in 2010. Not a bad way to start the year, eh?
Since we have church on Thursday, we added an extra hour or two to our service to celebrate the end of the year together. It was lots of fun. We did an activity where we wrote out a coupon for someone in the church for them to redeem anytime they want during the year. I gave out a few coffee dates and pizza dinners, and even received some "coupons" to redeem myself. It was such a great time spent with the members of the church.
Memorial Road Church of Christ in Edmond, OK sends Magi Boxes every year to the church here in Piedras Negras (and to other churches around the world, I believe) and Josue gave out the boxes at our church New Years service. It was just so awesome to see this ministry from the front line rather than just in my pew back in Oklahoma. The kids absolutely loved them! And they loved the pictures inside, too! Thanks for sending these!
Me and the Holguin kids after we opened our New Years presents. Celebrating a holiday with them really opened up the doors for me. Our relationships are definitely growing quickly, and I pray that more doors will be open in my ministry with them.
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