Saturday, January 30, 2010

Prayer Request

Josue told me this morning that I'm moving rooms. They plan to paint the room I was in, and move me, for the time being, to a smaller back room. I don't hate it. I just hate re-arranging everything once again. But it's been a full morning, so I can't complain. Let's also pray that cell and internet service is just as good, if not better, than in the other room.

We started a new bible study with someone last night. One of our members at church is a soldier and lives (or lived) on the army base right on the border. One of their neighbors came knocking on their door one night, sharing every detail of her life - her wrecked marriage, her struggle with her disobedient children, and her lack of happiness. She came to them saying, "We've moved over 10 times in the past 8 years, and I've never been at peace, I've never had happiness." She told her neighbors, "I see you and your family, and their is something different about you guys. Something that I want, but can't seem to find. What is it?" And that, my friends and family, is God working and stirring inside a lost soul. And placing the right people at the right time... because this family of our church is the same family that recently moved to Mexico City, and imagine the despair we would have if we didn't have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. The family introduced this woman to a lady here at the church, who contacted me to come help her with the bible study. Last night we had our first study - over the family of God - and it was so awesome to see how much this woman was craving for a solution to her "dark" world. I ask that you keep all of us in your prayers, and that the Lord will do His will through us. I'll go ahead and thank Him for answering our prayers.

Be Strong in the Lord,

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